They'll turn the lights way down low
You got a thing about you
Maybe we won't watch the show
There are one thousand suns rising every day. We only see one of them because of our fixation on monolithic thinking
All streets are invisible.
The visible ones are fake ones
Make a wish and I'll let it come true for you
There is no such thing as a contradiction. If you find one, check your premises
When you leave things, you leave your spirit behind as well. But if you don't leave them, you age
Neurodiversity is on its way to becoming an important facet of diversity
I don't want to produce a work of art that the public can sit and suck aesthetically... I want to give them a blow in the small of the back, to scorch their indifference
My mind is like an engine, it can't reach it's top speed if i don't use all the gears